Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal (MathSJ )

Current Issue

September 2024, Volume 11, Number 3

   Special Issue - 8th Special Issue :International Conference on Soft Computing, Mathematics and Control (SMC 2024)

Optimization of Weight Function for (3+1)d Phonon Propagation in Weyl Fermion Sea Expressed by Clifford Algebra Using Elman Rnn and Echo State Network
Sadataka Furui1, and Serge Dos Santos2, 1Teikyo University, Japan, 2Universite de Tours, France

June 2024, Volume 11, Number 1/2

Convergence Analysis of Newton-Cotes Methods: Optimizing Sub-Intervals Selection for Precise Integral

Lea A. Catapang1, James Ray Mendaje1 and Venus D. Siong2, 1Bahrain Polytechnic, Bahrain, 2Don Mariano
Marcos State University, Philippines