Current Issue

Volume 1, Number 3

Liberal International Order: Outlining the Theoretical Contestation  
Swarni, Gautam Buddha University (U.P.), India

China’s Geo-Economic Outreach in Central Asian Countries and Future Prospect  
Afaq Ahmed Abbasi and Masood Khattak, International Islamic University, Pakistan

Analyzing the Influence of Non-State Actors on US-Foreign Policy Outcomes  
Amna Asghar and Muhammad Owais, University of Management and Technology, Pakistan

Analysing the Influence of Nigeria’s Domestic Politics on Muhammadu Buhari’s Foreign Policy Directions (2019 – 2023)  
Abdulbasit Kolapo Imam, Kwara State University, Nigeria

Volume 1, Number 2

Political (In)Stability and Public Policy Transplantation: a Macedonian Case  
Ana Sekulovska1 and Zoran Ilievski2, 1University of Tourism and Management, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia,
2University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia.

Buying Friendship: The Belt and Road Initiative, Foreign Aid, and Attitudes Toward the US and China  
Davis Cousar, Furman University, USA

A Case for Minimizing Human Interface for Sustainable Sewage Management in India  
Hemant, Dr. Asif and Zainul Abedin, Jamia Millia Islamia, India

Saudi-Iranian Normalization and the Future of Chinese Influence in the Middle East  
Pedro Ernesth Torres Maciel da Silveira, University of Coimbra, Portugal

Volume 1, Number 1

Empirical Study on South Korean Presidents Understandings on North Korea : Comparing Operational Code Beliefs
of Kim, Roh, Lee and Park (1998-2016)
James Dongjin Kim, Tsinghua University, China

Artificial Intelligence : What will America Look Like Politically After the 2020 Census ?  
Antoinette S. Christophe, Michael O. Adams and Carroll G. Robinson, Texas Southern University, USA

The New World Order  
Ravi Prakash, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

The Policy of National Directorate of Employment: Focus on The Agricultural and Entrepreneurship Development Scheme  
Timothy Onimisi, Federal University Lokoja, Nigeria

A Review on: Gebru Tarek, the Ethiopian Revolution: War in the Horn of Africa:Yale University Press, New Haven &London, 2009, 11-423Pp/Xx + 437 Pp  
Wuhibegezer Ferede, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia

Kashmir Question in the Foreign Policy of India An – Analysis  
Mudasir Ahmad Bhat and Jan Mohamad Dar, Jiwaji University Gwalior, India