Volume 9, Number 3

Social Perception of Foreign Domestic Helpers in South Korea


Go Eun Shin, Vietnam National University, Vietnam


Investigating South Korea's social perception of foreign domestic helpers using the BIGKinds analysis offers insights for policymakers to balance economic benefits with ethical treatment and protection. Thus, Korean media coverage were analyzed from 1991 to 2023 using the big data platform compiling 104 mediaoutlets.Yearly trends and related keywords, identifying positive and negative themes were focused on, to understand the evolving discourse surrounding foreign domestic helpers(FDHs) in South Korea. 1,998 articles discussed FDHs, showing minimal activity in the 1990s, a slight increase in the 2000s, and significant growth in the 2010s and early 2020s. Positive keywords included "Hong Kong," "Singapore," and "low birth rate," indicating potential economic benefits. Negative keywords like "illegal employment" and "immigration authorities" highlighted concerns about regulation and legality. The analysis revealed a dynamic interplay of economic, demographic, and social factors influencing media discourse. Recent peaks in coverage reflect policy movements and socio-political events, underscoring the need for robust support systems and legal protections. In conclusion, understanding public perception is crucial for balancing economic needs with ethical responsibilities, promoting a sustainable and just approach to employing FDHs in South Korea.


BIG Kinds, foreign domestic helper, media analysis, social perception.